Jan 11, 2023Liked by Rick Thomas

Flat Earth minds cannot progress into believing there is life on other planets, therefore missing out on the grandeur of God and the Fatherhood aspect. Flat minds are dead minds.

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Sunrise and sunset times for different locations, latitude and seasons don't work out if the earth is flat. Time zones are a thing and the sun doesn't slow down as it approaches the horizon. See the sunrise sunset times for any city here: https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/ The earth is round, assuming there is one sun and light travels in mostly a straight line.

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Good article and with few words pointed out why the flat theory exist in the first place. Coincidence? Sure, if you are a coincidence theorist. However, I do have to point out that the conspiracy theory of the moon landing and flat earth should not be uttered in one breath. That sounds more like a straw-man argument. As for the moon landing true scientific principles can be applied to prove they didn’t go to the moon or at the very least throws doubt on the claim they did land on the moon. For instance, the picture that NASA uses to claim is proof they landed on the moon can be falsified using a known scientific concept called “stereoscopic parallax”. There is of course much more and not least of which is the question why they haven’t gone to the moon ever since. Don’t you think they would have? Every leader of the G7 would love to claim the moon is theirs by colonizing it.

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Your argument makes sense to me; my Canadian government doesn't even hide its ad for PSYOPS Officers: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/education-training/establishments/peace-support/courses/psyops-officer.html

But I agree with Laszlo's comment below that the "moon landing" is an entirely different issue.

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Flat earth is a distraction from real issues. Earth is oval shaped. Period.

Besides, "manned" moonlanding is a hoax. Do not lump together these two.

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In my experience, also linked to saying viruses don't exist. Another similar psyop? Either way, highly divisive and thus very effective at splitting the Freedom Movement.

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Rick Thomas, before writing such nonsense you should have read the experiments made all over the world, from Hungary to Brasil. Flat earth is a perfectly scientific theory and has little connection to religion, being promoted by geographers, cartograhers, engineers and physicists. It's obvious that you have no scientific and technical background. But maybe, the scientists from Brasil ( Dakila researches and Zigurat Technological center ) will convince you. " Convex earth" is a must-see documentary. As for NASA, it is Not A Space Agency, it's only working on our minds, as do DARPA and Space X. Moon landing was a hoax, Hubble telescope is a hoax, ISS is a hoax, the future instalation of 50000 satellites is nonsense. If there were satellites orbiting around the earth, wouldn't they be seen in the photos published by Nasa by now? There is no single satellite there, photos of the Blue Planet are fake and, besides, no satellite, no telescope, no ISS can orbit in the thermosphere where the temperature is 2000-2500 degrees C.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

I would like to travel the entirety of the Earth’s four directions unhindered, and make my own observations.

Those mathematical formulas aren’t that impressive once you delve into them.

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Flat earth also isn’t a disc floating in space…

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RemovedJul 27, 2023Liked by Rick Thomas
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